Rabbits are adorable and lovable mammals. They belong to Lepridae family and Lagomorpha order with eight main genera. They are found in different parts of the world. For some, they create a nuisance by digging holes underground, whereas others find them to be delightful as pets. They are also used as a source of meat, while their fur is used in clothing.
Read on to discover interesting information about these cute, furry organisms.
Facts about Rabbit
The following facts about rabbits will add to your general knowledge about these members of kingdom Animalia.
- Their long ears can grow up to 10 cm in length on average.
- They are herbivores and feed on vegetables, weeds, bark of trees and herbs.
- They live in the form of groups in the wild. A group digs an underground maze-like structure which is known as a warren. Each group resides in its own warren.
- Their identified breeds, so far, are forty-seven in number.
- The heaviest one of these creatures has been recorded to have a weight of fifty pounds while the lightest one weighs sixty grams.
- Darius is the name of the world's largest bunny. It is 4 feet and 3 inches tall with an approximate weight of fifty pounds.
- These small herbivores have a set of twenty-eight teeth. These teeth keep on growing throughout their lifespan.
- Their long ears not only detect the presence of predators, but are also used to regulate the body temperature.
- These animals can express emotions to each other by changing the volume and tone of their voice.
- Amazingly, they can have a complete 360 degrees view of their surrounding without turning their head to right, left or backwards.
- The male members are called bucks while female bunnies are referred to as does.
- They are popular as animals which can hop around. Interestingly, they can jump up as high as thirty-six inches.
- They are well-groomed animals which like to live in clean conditions. Even the wild species keep themselves well-groomed and clean.
- The oldest bunny in the world, so far, lived for sixteen years. On the other hands, domesticated bunnies survive for only five to eight years on average.
- They are very popular as pets, particularly, in the US and the UK. In fact, they are the third most common choice for pet owners in UK after cats and dogs.
Rabbit Pictures
It is interesting to see rabbit pictures on the internet. When you search for these photos, do look for Darius the largest bunny living today. On the other hand, you will find many pictures of bunnies which vary according to different physical characteristics. The most noticeable variation between the species of these animals is their size. When you look for their photos, you will find the following:
These are the smallest and the cutest bunnies. They weigh only up to 1.5 kg. You will definitely adore these creatures by looking at their cute photos.
Small bunnies
Measuring between 1.5 and 2.5 kg in weight, small bunnies are next to dwarfs in size. They are just as cute and adorable as dwarfs. You and your kids will be pleased to see the photos of small bunnies.
Medium and Large
Bunnies which are medium to large in size are the most common ones. They are easily recognizable in photos.
Giant bunnies are just as interesting as the dwarfs. They may be up to 8 kg in weight. Their extraordinarily large size makes it fun to look at their pictures.
Enjoy looking at the photos of all these kinds of rabbits with your kids.
Rabbit Habitat
These small animals are commonly found in different parts of the world where they can find food and favorable ground for digging burrows. Most of them live in warrens: underground network of several burrows.
Rabbit habitat comprises different parts of the earth including forests, deserts, woods, meadows, wetlands and grasslands. Large populations of these organisms are commonly found in European countries, while some on Japanese islands, and certain parts of Southeast Asia, Africa and Sumatra. One of the rabbit species, known as tapeti, is found in South America. This is the only specie found in this vast region.
Types of Rabbits
Based on different breeds, there are 47 types of rabbits. Here is a brief description about some of the most common breeds. Pet owners would find this information to be interesting and useful.
English Lop
The English Lop is identified by its ears which are the longest among all other kinds. These ears are floppy and can reach as long as 20 inches in length.
Netherland Dwarf
A Netherland Dwarf is among the smallest of all breeds. Typically, it weighs just two and a half pounds, approximately. Due to their small size, they are the most popular among pet owners as they can be easily kept in a small cage.
Angora is the most unique bunny which resembles white cats. It has beautiful fur which comprises of long and really soft hair. This hair needs proper maintenance by the pet owner.
Another unique looking bunny is known as Thrianta. It looks different from the other breeds due to its orange coat. It also weighs light typically 6 pounds. Therefore, a Thrianta makes a good pet.
Flemish Giant
As the name implies, Flemish Giant is one of the largest and heaviest of its kind. It can be as heavy as thirty pounds. Although it is an interesting pet, it needs a lot of care and room to live comfortably.
These were some of the most popular kinds of bunnies. There are several others based on differences in size, type of fur, coat color and weight. However, the basic eating habits, breeding patterns and behavior of all kinds are almost the same.
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