We all love pets. Whether it’s a dog, a cat, or any other pet, they make our homes lively. Now, it can be very frightening watching your pet suffering. Sometimes it’s even harder to determine whether the situation is an emergency or not. You should know that some situations are life-threatening and could kill your pet. So, whenever you are in doubt, always contact your vet for assistance. Understanding various emergencies may help save your pet’s life. Therefore, it’s imperative you get a good understanding of various pet emergencies. Here are some of the common pet emergencies and what you should do about them.
Choking and breathing difficulties
You may notice your pet choking, wheezing, and having a shallow breathing or constant coughing. Your pet may have breathing problems from allergic reactions, heart and lung disease, or asthma. Now, as with human beings, it’s a bad idea to wait and watch when your pet is having breathing difficulties. Breathing problem is a serious and life threatening condition. The best thing to do it to take it to the vet as soon as you can. A vet is a trained professional that will ensure your pet does not develop internal damages caused by breathing problems.
Diarrhea and vomiting
Diarrhea or vomiting are some of the popular problems that pets tend to develop. Just because they are common doesn’t mean you should ignore them. They might be showing a sign of a serious disease or a particular reaction. Sometimes your pet could have encountered a poison which is now affecting it. So, if you notice your pet is vomiting more than usual or it’s leaving some bloody traces in its vomit, call your vet immediately. Also, try to figure out why the animal is reacting that way. Such information might be helpful to speed up the treatment.
This is a serious problem that most people don’t even notice easily. Sometimes your pet might be unconscious, and you think it's sleeping. Animals collapse due to lack of strength. Some of the possible causes of unconsciousness include hemorrhage, vascular disease, respiratory issues, anemia, or some toxic medications. So, if you notice your pet is sleeping more than its normal hours, and you cannot raise it from sleep, contact your vet. Your pet may have passed out and hence need a medical evaluation to determine the cause of the problem.
Uncontrollable tremors, loss of consciousness, staggering, and lack of urinary control are some of the common problems associated with a seizure. These issues show that the animal has a brain problem. So, if you suspect your pet has a seizure, don’t ignore the issue. According to emergencyvetsusa.com, if your pet has any emergency issue, don’t hesitate to contact a vet for an emergency checkup. At least the vet will be able to run more tests and determine the best way to help your pet.
Pain and anxiety
A pet cannot express its pain. You will only learn your pet is experiencing pain and anxiety when it exhibits some signs of pains. For example, if your dog is usually happy and jovial and suddenly snaps or does not seem to run around as its norm, then there is a physical problem. If you notice a sudden change of behaviors, call your vet right away to evaluate the possible cause of pain.
Eating poison
Sometimes your pet may encounter a poisonous food staff, which may affect it severely. Items like chocolate, antifreeze, multivitamins, and pest poisons are dangerous to your pet’s health. Your pet might even ingest such poisonous food stuffs willingly. So, once you suspect your pet has eaten a poison, call for an emergency vet service. Poison is a serious issue and could kill the animal if not treated on time.
Severe bleeding
Your pet may get an injury and have external bleeding. Sometimes you might be able to control the bleeding by giving the animal the first aid. However, if the bleeding is severe, for instance, lasting more than five problems, it's better you let the vet check the problem. A vet can treat the animal perfectly without leaving traces of infections.
All in all, your pet is your commitment and responsibility. You should always ensure your pet is in good health and shape. After all, a pet is like any other family member. So, once you notice some unusual behaviors with your pet such as vomiting, seizure, unconscious and difficulty in breathing, call vet services as soon as you can. Some situations are deadly, and if they are not attended on time by a vet, then they can kill your beloved pet.
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