Hamsters are basically mice that you can keep at your home as pets. They are very friendly in this manner and can adopt your home's environment in an easy way. They are also easy to train and are capable of recognizing voices of their masters.
They are a kind of cute creatures that are found in white and brown color. People mostly like to have a pair of white hamsters at their home, so that their kids can play with them. Also, the white ones are more attractive and appealing as compared to any other colored hamster.
Types of Hamster
From their appearances, let us come to the hamsters types. There are almost twenty five kinds of hamsters that include large as well as small sized hamsters. The tiny ones are also known as dwarf hamsters.
Mainly hamster animal is categorized into five common types, namely, Syrian Hamsters, Dwarf Hamsters, Chinese Hamsters, Winter White Hamsters and Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters. The larger of all are the Syrian hamsters and it is pretty easy to catch them. Also, as compared to other types of hamsters, the Syrian hamsters are more popular among the kids. Since the dwarf hamsters are smaller in size and they move quite fast, therefore it is suggested not to give your kids the dwarf hamsters to play with.
All the types of hamsters except the Syrian ones are from the dwarf family. While belonging to the same type doesn't cause them to live the same life. They all are different in nature and habits from each other though they all look alike.
Hamster Facts
- Regarding the hamster facts, you may find it amazing that only the Syrian hamsters are available in forty different colors.
- Do you know these also possess different number of toes in their front and back feet? Yes, on their front feet there are four toes while the back feet have five toes.
- Hamsters are so good in memory that they can easily recognize and remember their own relatives.
- One more horrible thing the hamsters do is they eat their own extracts. So nauseating but it is true. They do this to make sure they would consume all the nutrients the second time which they couldn't utilize in the first go. So sickening to mention that but it is the fact.
- Male hamsters live longer than the female do.
- One interesting thing of male hamsters is that they can sense the female hamster.
- If you have held a female hamster, a male is capable of smelling that and after that he may start licking your hand.
- Another of the interesting hamster facts says that it is very easy to control their reproduction count and gender. If you keep mother in a warm environment, it would give rise to the birth to a male baby and if the mother is kept in a cold place, it would result in the birth of female baby.
Hamster Habitat
As far as hamster habitat information is concerned, they live in burrows. Since hamsters are nocturnal, they are more active at nights as compared to the day. They love to live under holes that can hide them during the daylight.
Hamster Diet
Coming to the diet of hamsters, they love to have a variety of food in their diet. They eat dried foods, berries, seeds, nuts, vegetables, and so on. They are very fond of these things. They are capable of storing food under their cheeks and eat it later on whenever they feel like eating.
Hamster pictures
There are hundreds and hundreds of hamster pictures that are available for free over the internet. You can log on to the net to download pictures of your choice at any time. There are lots of hamster pictures depicting hamster of different color and type.
You would find these pictures showing many good postures and funny poses of the hamsters belonging to all kinds. I personally like the white winters the most. You can always make a wallpaper of your favorite hamster picture, so that you can take a look on it whenever you want. It is a nice way to get your kids familiar with hamsters as well.
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