Just like a variety of fascinating plants on earth, there are a number of animal species that offer a lot of attraction to the viewers on account of their peculiarities and certain unparalleled traits. Some animals look interesting especially because of their mesmerizing look while others are a source of interest because of the danger they pose to the lives of other creatures including humans. On earth, you will also come across those organisms that have amazing strengths to harm, poison and even kill the victim. Let’s learn about some of the most interesting animals in the world.
How Do Animals Know When to Migrate?
You might have heard about migration in birds and studied about the routes of some. Did you also ever ponder on the question regarding how animals know when to migrate and where to migrate? When an animal sets out on a thousands-of-kilometres long journey, it must have... Read More ->
Largest Birds of Prey in the World by Size and Weight
Also called raptors, the birds of prey are some of the most awe-inspiring flying creatures. A raptor can be defined as a bird that primarily hunts and feeds on vertebrate animals.Here you will learn about the largest birds of prey in the world by size and weight. Some stunning facts about these... Read More ->
List of Birds That Fly in V Formation
Did you ever feast your eyes on the amazing phenomenon of birds flying in V formation? The distinctive v-shaped flight pattern of migratory birds has long puzzled researchers and it continues to attract both scientific and popular attention. Here, in addition to exploring the causes and dynamics of v-type flight pattern, we’re presented a list... Read More ->
Birds of Prey List
A bird of prey is also known as a raptor or a hunter. It belongs to the group of birds which are carnivores and feed on other animals. Their list of victims includes all types of organisms, such as reptiles, mammals, rodents, amphibians and insects. These birds possess special features which make them capable hunters. These include sharp and hooked... Read More ->
Millipedes Vs Centipedes
Centipedes and millipedes are both arthropods from the group myriapoda. This is the only similarity between them even though they are often mistaken to be similar. Centipedes – meaning a hundred legs – are members of the class chilopoda which originates from two Greek words meaning lips and foot. On the other hand, millipedes – meaning a thousand... Read More ->
Difference Between Warm Blooded and Cold Blooded Animals
Every living organism possesses some special traits which enable it to survive environmental variations. One important change encountered by organisms is that of temperature. Animals are divided into two groups based on their ability to cope with this change. Organisms which... Read More ->
Top 10 Extremely Dangerous Insects
The insects have been grouped in class ‘insecta’ of the phylum ‘Arthropoda’ which is the biggest phylum of the animal kingdom. It contains more species than those of all the other phyla taken together. In other words, Arthropoda contains more than fifty percent of all the animal species on earth. They are adopted to a wide variety of terrestrial ... Read More ->
Sheep Vs Goat
The goat and the sheep are related to each other through the same family. They are members of the Bovidae family and Caprinae subfamily. Concerning sheep vs goat, both are two distinct organisms with a number of differences between them. Goat and sheep differ from each other on the basis of their genetic makeup which in turn determines ... Read More ->
Animals with Blue-colored Blood
Humans and other vertebrates have red-colored blood running in their veins, making a vital part of the blood circulatory system. Do invertebrate animals, like insects, also have the same color of their blood? Surprisingly, this is not the case. Well, what is then the hue of the circulatory fluid... Read More ->
Do Birds, Mammals And Reptiles Share A Common Ancestor?
Before coming to the question of common ancestry of birds, mammals and reptiles, you need to understand what distinct characteristics the animals belonging to these classification groups have. Scientifically known as Aves, birds form one of the major classes of phylum Chordata in... Read More ->
White Rhino Facts and Pictures - Why Endangered?
In our race to make this world a better place in terms of technology, convenience and luxury, we don’t realize the loss that has occurred to our eco system. We fail to fathom how our certain actions create havoc not only for our fellow beings but also for other species that co-exist... Read More ->
Black Rhino Habitat and Causes of Being Endangered
When you hear the word "Rhino", the image that comes to your mind is of a tenacious, sturdy and an angry animal with a huge strong and rugged body and skin which is stout like armor. The animal is ferocious and dominates the other animals of the jungle while all others are scared... Read More ->
Why Are Pandas Endangered
Pandas are one of the most loved animals on the planet owing to their cuddly and adorable appearance. They reside in regions of Southwestern China. This area runs along the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau where mountains ranging from four thousand to twelve thousand... Read More ->
5 Largest Animals Found in African Continent
The term "Big Five" is used to refer to the five largest animals in Africa. This name was coined by hunters during the colonial days. At that time, however, the "Big Five" were not put on this list for their size. Instead, these animals were called so owing to the difficulty which was faced... Read More ->
Facts about Endangered Animals
Prior to exploring certain facts about endangered animals, let's discuss what endangered animals are, basically. The animals are categorized as endangered only when their species are at risk, and it is predicted that they would come to an end in the... Read More ->
Facts about Leafy Seadragon
You might have seen or learned about hundreds of thousands of animals in the world, but did you ever happen to come across a marine fish that looks like drifting seaweed? If not, just go through this post and add some stunning pieces of information to... Read More ->
Deadly Animals In The World
For some readers it is surprising to see mosquito on the top of most deadly animal's list. But the fact is that, in the history of mankind no other animal or insect caused such great number of... Read More ->
African Animals
Africa the world's second largest continent is house to the largest diversity of the members of Kingdom Animalia. The northern part of the continent is an arid desert while the central and southern regions consist of rainforests and savanna plains. A large variety of African animals occupy the desert as well... Read More ->
Extinct Animals Facts
Extinction is a process through which a group of certain organisms completely disappears from the face of earth. This happens when the rate of death of the members of a species becomes greater than the rate of their birth. Ultimately, when the last few organisms... Read More ->
Largest Mammals In The World
Mammalia is a class which distinguishes a physiologically unique group of organisms from the rest in the entire animal kingdom. Humans belong to the same class and so do 5400 other species of organisms. From small cats, dogs and rodents to huge bears, tigers and whales, there exists a vast diversity with regard to the size and... Read More ->
Rare Animals In The World
The world is house to numerous amazing creatures. Unfortunately, a large number of these interesting organisms are facing the threat of extinction. These endangered species have, therefore, been put into the category of rare animals. Most of these creatures possess... Read More ->
Siberian Tiger VS Bengal Tiger
Siberian tiger and Bengal tiger are both sub-species of Panthera tigris. Both of these cats are among the most beautiful organisms found in nature. They are also among the most powerful and formidable creatures. It is, therefore, hard to decide the winner of a Siberian tiger versus Bengal tiger... Read More ->
Siberian Tiger VS Lion
It is an amazing fact that the jungle's King a lion can be beaten down in a Siberian tiger Vs lion match. A lion might be a big and aggressive creature, but a tiger is even bigger and more ferocious. The more powerful tiger, therefore, will be the clear winner if a fight breaks... Read More ->
Tiger VS Lion
Tigers and lions are both members of the same family: felidae. Both the animals are formidable predators lying at the top of the food chain. However, there are numerous differences between the proud lion and the catty tiger. For centuries, the lion has... Read More ->
Most Endangered Big Cats
The cat is a predator and it is found on almost every part of the world. The cat family is diverse and includes the familiar domestic cat, tigers, lions, jaguars, ocelots, caracals, pumas... Read More ->
Top 10 Largest Mammals In The World
African elephant is one of the heaviest living mammals on the Earth. It is bigger than Asian Elephant. Adult male elephant stand 12 ft tall and weigh 5,600kg but male can be as heavy as 7,000 kg. It is also... Read More ->
Comman Characteristics Of Mammals
Mammals are a type of animals in the world. There are thousands of types of mammals. But certain characteristics are common in all the mammals. There are five things all mammals have in comman... Read More ->
What Are Mammals
Mammal is a creature that most of us mean when we say the word 'animal'. We know them best among all other living things, for many of our pets and domestic animal are mammals and so are we. Mammals are found almost everywhere... Read More ->
List Of Wild Animals
Members of Kingdom Animalia are divided into five broad categories: mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles. The wild animals roam around on land, occupy the waters and fly across the... Read More ->
Largest Wingspans Birds In The World
Wings help a bird to fly in the air easily. There are some birds in the world which have the larger size of wings because of their bigger and heavier size. These birds are Marabou stork, Albatross... Read More ->
Egg Laying Mammals
Mammals are always thought of giving birth to young ones but sometimes it can be different too. Can you ever think of mammals laying eggs instead of giving birth to babies? Yes, there are egg laying mammals and they are known as monotremes. They are named so because of the presence of single cloacal opening in their bodies that... Read More ->
Fastest Birds In The World
It is a common concept that small birds fly faster than the large birds. True, the perfect example of this concept is Spine Tailed Swift, which is the fastest bird in the world. There are thousands... Read More ->
Heaviest Turtles In The World
Turtles are the subspecies of shelled reptiles. They have toothless jaws, edged with very sharp bones to chop up their food. A female turtle can lay up to 200 eggs which take about three month... Read More ->
Largest Earthworm In The World
Worms which are commonly known as earthworms, are the invertebrates (animals without backbone). Giant earthworms are found in Australian continent and they are the largest earthworms in the... Read More ->
List of Endangered Species of Marine Mammals
When you say rare, it means very precious thing. All of these rare marines have limited distribution in coastal south East Africa. Now problem is that, most of the rivers and streams are polluted... Read More ->
Fastest Fish In The World
Fishes are the most common marine animals and the fastest water species as well. Sailfish is the fastest fish in the world which can swim at a speed of 110 Km. per hour. Marlin is the second fastest... Read More ->
Longest Migration Bird
Sooty Shearwater is known as the longest migratory bird in the world. It has been recorded that this bird travels about 64,000 kilometers distance each year. It has migrated to New Zealand... Read More ->
Most Beautiful And Common Sea Birds
Sea birds are the most beautiful creatures of God. These water birds enhance the beauty of sea shores and attract the tourists to come and enjoy the serene beauty of these sea areas. Pelican, Puffin, Avocet, etc are some of the most... Read More ->
Most Common Mammals In UK
Mammals are found in large numbers in UK. Even the population of a few mammals is greater than human beings. In the following list the population of only first... Read More ->
Most Common North American Garden Birds
People from almost all parts of the world like to see chirping and twittering birds in the gardens. The whereabouts of the visitors decide that what sort of birds they will... Read More ->
Most Dangerous Snakes Of The World
Black Mamba is the most poisonous snake in the world. Maximum death rate per bite is 200. It is mostly found in the second biggest continent of the world- Africa... Read More ->
Smallest Mammals In The World
There are two different mammals that come in this category. The first one of this category is the smallest mammal in the world regarding size which is Kitti’s hog-nosed bat and Bumblebee Bat is another common name of this animal... Read More ->
Most Common Song Birds Of The World
Most of the perching birds are song birds. They use songs and calls to communicate with each other. Birds sing by pushing air out through their open mouths. Birds song has a number of different functions. Male birds may sing to defend their territories... Read More ->
Top Ten Sleepiest Animals Of The World
Animals make an essential part of the human eco system because of their diversity and their role in nature. Some animals are active and sleep only a few hours a day and some on the contrary are dozing off all day doing nothing. This brings us to... Read More ->
Latest Fish

Lionfish Facts
Lionfish is a chordate which belongs to the family...read more

Cuttlefish Facts
Cuttlefish is a mollusk which belongs to the class...read more

Octopus Facts
Do you know how, in the floor of an ocean, an octopus...read more

Sea Urchin Facts
Sea urchins are tiny water creatures found in oceans...read more
Largest Birds of Prey in the World by Size and Weight
Also called raptors, the birds...
List of Birds That Fly in V Formation
Did you ever feast your eyes on the amazing phenomenon...
Birds of Prey List
A bird of prey is also known as a raptor or a hunter. It belongs to the group of...
Millipedes Vs Centipedes
Centipedes and millipedes are both arthropods from the group...
Difference Between Warm Blooded and Cold Blooded Animals
Every living organism...
Top 10 Extremely Dangerous Insects
The insects have been grouped in class 'insecta' of...
Sheep Vs Goat
The goat and the sheep are related to each other through the same family. They...
Animals with Blue-colored Blood
Humans and other vertebrates have red-colored blood running...
Birds, Mammals And Reptiles
Before coming to the question of common ancestry of birds...