• Common Characteristics of Mammals

    Common Characteristics of Mammals

    Mammals are a type of animals in the world. There are thousands of types...

Mammals are a type of animals in the world. There are thousands of types of mammals. But certain characteristics are common in all the mammals. There are five things all mammals have in comman. These are the common characteristics of mammals.

All Mammals Have Bones Including A Backbone

All mammals including the humans have backbone and other bones to support the human body. The moles who are burrowers, the whales who live under water, the monkeys who are climbers and the horses who are runners, all of them largely depend upon the backbone to move or to carry weight. The length of the backbone and the bones depend on the size of the body of mammal.

All Mammals Have Lungs And Breathe Dry Air

Almost all the members of mammals family develop lungs to breathe and to have a direct contact with the environment. But there are fishes which donot have lungs, rather they develop gills which work like the lungs. The gills gather oxygen from the water. These lungs or gills gather oxygen from the environment and make it utilizable for the body to sustain life as oxygen is the main element to live life.

All Mammals Are Warm-blooded

Warm blooded are those animals which have relatively higher blood temperature. These animals do maintain the body temperature with the help of internal body parts. Also the body temperature of warm blooded animals donot change according to the changing environment.

All Mammals Have Some Fur Or Hair On Their Bodies

Just like humans who are mammals as well, all the mammals have fur or hair on their body. These hair or fur may differ in proportion on every mammal.

All Female Mammals Feed Their Babies On Milk

All The mammals have certain criteria for their reproduction. Mostly female mammals give birth to the young ones but there are only a few mammals who lay eggs like Platypus or Echidna. These young one are fed by mothers who feed them on milk. Mothers milk contains almost all the necessary nutrients for the young one’s body.

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