Ants are the tiny creatures that can easily be found around sweet things and belong to the group of wasps. These creatures gather around small food particles and are considered as the most disciplined tiny beings. The way they move in a line is really inspiring. They have six legs that help them run rapidly. The two eyes they have are comprised of several smaller eyes from inside. Generally they are black in color, but are found in dark brown or maroon shade as well, as you can see in the ants pictures. They are always found in groups and prefer to live in colonies. Though they are not scary at all, but people avoid these creatures because of their extremely sharp bites.
Historical Background
If we go into history, it can be said that ants were present at the time of dinosaurs as well. You can well think of how old they are then. I guess dinosaurs had been killed due to their catastrophic nature while ant species are still living among us because they are too tiny to be noticed as well as they cause no direct harm to humans as such.
These creatures are found almost everywhere around the world. There is one species of ants that have travelled almost the six continents and these are Argentine ants.
Ants Facts
- One of the very interesting yet shocking ant facts is that the male ant dies after mating, doesn’t it sound odd?
- The female ants then get busy in making new nests so that they can lay their eggs therein.
- They feed on other insects and different types of food particles that they gather from the ground of homes or outsides.
- Some types of ants also like to have seed particles in their diet.
- Another good thing about these tiny insects is that they make their own army and assign titles like queen, soldiers and so on.
- They don't learn the discipline. In fact, it is in their attitude by birth.
- They are known as the most disciplined and managed creatures that are not scary as well.
- The maximum life of these insects is 40 to 60 days.
- Each of the colonies has its own queen and worker ants.
- They are so powerful that they can easily carry heavy weight that is 40 to 50 times heavier than their bodies.
- Another interesting fact about these creatures is that they like to share things with their fellow insects and, for this purpose, they have two stomachs.
- In one stomach they store food for themselves and in other they store food that they like to share with their fellow ants.
- The queen's job is just to lay eggs that are later looked after by several workers.
- The worker ants have to do the tough job such as, they go for food, take care of the young ones and it is also their responsibility to protect the nest from the attackers and all sorts of damages.
- These ants make use of their stings to defend their homes.
- The black and the red ants don’t have stings but they possess a kind of acid to protect themselves.
- Some birds intentionally place ants in their nests to get rid of various kinds of parasites because they have a sort of smell that parasites don’t like at all.
- In this way, they can be proved to be a good defender for not only themselves but also for other creatures.
- There is also a concept of slave worker ants.
- The slave ants are actually the stolen pupae of other ants. The slave maker ants get into their nests and take the pupae with them. These stolen pupae serve their entire life as slave workers in the colony where they have been brought up.
- There are other titles of ants as well, like farmer ants and army ants. Both of these also have their own tasks to accomplish while living in the colony.
- As per the research findings, the total biomass of ants is equal to the biomass of all the humans on earth.
Ants Pictures
There are thousands and thousands of ants' pictures that can be easily found on the internet; all you have to do is just search them out. Don't forget to narrow down your search as per your requirements, for example, if you want pictures of red ants then instead of writing as "pictures of ants" you should write "pictures of red ants" in the search bar. That's one way of getting exactly what is required. Otherwise, you would create a mess with the thousands of search results that will appear before you.
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