Information About Flamingos
Flamingos are large birds classified into...

Victoria Crowned Pigeon
With its name commemorating the British Monarch Queen Victoria...

Hoopoe Bird
Famous for its distinctive crown of feathers, Hoopoe bird is found...

Roseate Spoonbill
The beautiful Roseate Spoonbill is often...

Tiger Facts
Scientifically known as Panthera tigris, tigers...

Facts about Squirrels
Did you know that 40% of the entire mammalian...

Facts about Foxes
Fox is a very beautiful animal that is characterized...

Goat Facts
A domesticated form the wild goat of...

Chameleons Facts
The nature around us abounds in variety and complexity...

Iguana Facts
The kingdom Animalia includes all the diversity of animals...

Lizard Facts
Lizards are members of the reptilian class...

Frog Facts
The simple answer to "what are frogs" is...

Toad Facts
Generally, we cannot differentiate between a...

Lionfish Facts
Lionfish is a chordate which belongs to the...

Cuttlefish Facts
Cuttlefish is a mollusk which belongs to the...

Sea Urchin Facts
Sea urchins are tiny water creatures...
Insects Pictures, Insect Facts, Insect Information
Firefly Facts And Pictures
Fireflies can rightly be considered the "bulbs of nature", as...
24 May, 2014
Flies Facts And Pictures
Flies are the most common insects. They are known for their...
09 Feb, 2013
What Do Grasshoppers Eat?
25 June, 2015
Grasshopper is a fascinating insect from the order orthoptera. Over eleven thousand grasshopper species are distributed all over the world, living in grasslands, prairies and forests. Their habitat choice is determined by the availability of food sources... Read More ->
Grasshopper Facts
22 May, 2015
Grasshoppers are insects which belong to the phylum arthropoda and order orthoptera. They are members of the suborder caelifera with eight superfamilies and over eleven thousand different species. They are found in different sizes with an average body length... Read More ->
Ants Facts And Pictures
09 Feb, 2013
Ants are the tiny creatures that can easily be found around sweet things and belong to the group of wasps. These creatures gather around small food particles and are considered as the most disciplined tiny beings. The way they move in a line is... Read More ->
Brown Recluse Spider And Pictures
11 Jan, 2014
Not only the name of this particular spider is different from the other kinds but it also has many other distinguishing features. The Latin people called this spider as Loxosceles reclusa. As it implies from their name, these spiders are basically recluses or loners and... Read More ->
Butterfly Facts And Pictures
09 Feb, 2013
Butterflies are day flying insects having thousands of tiny scales on their wings which give them a catchy and colorful look. Not always the wings are colored sometimes they are iridescent and break the light... Read More ->
Bees Facts And Pictures
11 Feb, 2013
Most people have seen honey-bees searching flowers for nectar and pollen. Honey-bees, and their close relatives, the humble bees, like ants and termites, live in family groups. Each hive or nest is the home of a large number of bees and their mother, the queen bees. The grubs that hatch from the eggs she lays are tended... Read More ->
Firefly Facts And Pictures
24 May, 2014
Fireflies can rightly be considered the "bulbs of nature", as they light the serene rustic environment in the pitch dark of the summer nights. Belonging to the insect family Lampyridae and grouped under the beetle order Cleoptera, they are commonly referred to as the "lightening bugs". Interestingly, they make ... Read More ->
Flies Facts And Pictures
09 Feb, 2013
Flies are the most common insects. They are known for their dirtiness and many people think that they are responsible for spreading diseases but there are only few kinds which spread diseases.Flies have great variety in ways of living. Some of these seem... Read More ->
Spiders Facts And Pictures
11 Feb, 2013
Spiders, like insects, have joined legs and bodies which are made in sections or segments. But, unlike an insect, a spiders body consists of two, not three parts, and it has eight, not six legs. Also spiders cannot fly, although baby spiders and small adult types may parachute on long... Read More ->
Scorpion Facts And Pictures
11 Feb, 2013
Scorpion is known as a dangerous and poisonous creature. They are found at warm places and in forests, and are very close to the groups of spiders, mites and ticks. As you can see in scorpion pictures, they have four pairs of legs, making them... Read More ->
Wasps Facts And Pictures
20 Sep, 2014
If you have been in villages while climbing trees in the summer season, you would probably have witnessed the nest of small, bee-like animals with usually yellow colored body, called wasps. If so, you might also have been one of the unfortunate victims receiving their stings... Read More ->

How Do Animals Know When to Migrate?
You might have heard about migration in birds and studied...

Wireless Invisible Dog Fence: A New Way to Keeping Your Pup Safe
Doggies like to run wild...

What To Look For In An Online Pet Store
Whether you are looking for pet food, pet toys...

Pet Care Essentials Your Home Must - Have
Whether you haven't had a pet for a while if you are...

Things You Must Be Aware Of Against Dog Attacks
Dogs are one of the most reliable and most adorable...

Largest Birds of Prey in the World by Size and Weight
Also called raptors, the birds...

Common Pet Emergencies And What You Should Do?
We all love pets. Whether...

List of Birds That Fly in V Formation
Did you ever feast your eyes on the amazing phenomenon...

Why Do Peacocks Honk?
One of the most fascinating gifts of nature, peacocks...

Lionfish Facts
Lionfish is a chordate which belongs to the family scorpaenidae and genus...

Types Of Goats
Goat is a mammal that belongs to the family Bovidae. Being a member of the sub-family...

Blue Chinned Sapphire
This is a kind of hummingbird. It is really small in size, only 8.9 cm as it can be seen...

Lizard Facts
Lizards are members of the reptilian class in the animal kingdom. They belong to...

Buffalo Facts, Types
Buffalo is a member of the animal kingdom and belongs to class mammalia. Most...

Baboons Facts
Baboons are intelligent and opportunistic creatures which belong to the...

Egg Laying Mammals
Mammals are always thought of giving birth to young ones but sometimes it can...

Dove Bird Facts
The birds that are considered as the symbol of love, peace and harmony are one...
Largest Birds of Prey in the World by Size and Weight
Also called raptors, the birds...
List of Birds That Fly in V Formation
Did you ever feast your eyes on the amazing phenomenon...
Birds of Prey List
A bird of prey is also known as a raptor or a hunter. It belongs to the group of...
Millipedes Vs Centipedes
Centipedes and millipedes are both arthropods from the group...
Difference Between Warm Blooded and Cold Blooded Animals
Every living organism...
Top 10 Extremely Dangerous Insects
The insects have been grouped in class 'insecta' of...
Sheep Vs Goat
The goat and the sheep are related to each other through the same family. They...
Animals with Blue-colored Blood
Humans and other vertebrates have red-colored blood running...
Birds, Mammals And Reptiles
Before coming to the question of common ancestry of birds...