'What do Zebras eat' is a question that is directly related to their types. Since there are three types of zebras, the one that loves to live on mountains, the second that lives on the plain grounds and the third that is known as Grevy's zebra. All these zebras are truly identical in their looks but differ in their habits and preferences in terms of their habitat.
Zebras are herbivorous and like to have plants and other herbs in their diet. Since they are found in places where there are enough green lands for them to graze, they love to eat grass as well. They also eat leaves and shrubs with delight. One thing zebras mostly care about is the hidden attackers that hide themselves in the tall grasses and bushes because they know that zebras just love such kind of food. That's why zebras always travel in herds, so that they can give enough hard time to the attackers and that's how they save themselves. You may hardly find a zebra grazing and moving alone, that's just because they don't want to give way to any other animal to attack them such as lions, hyenas, tigers and, so on.
After searching a lot on the internet, I found out what do zebras eat in detail and now going to share the same information in this post as well. One thing is sure that since they are herbivorous, the main and only part of their diet consists of plants, herbs, barks, leaves, grass, and so on. They don't like meat at all. Besides plants and herbs, water is the main source of fluid for the zebras. They are just water lovers and couldn't think of their lives without abundant supply of water. They are not ruminants and also don't like to have a variety of grass in their diet. Zebras like to have one kind of grass and can spend their entire day eating the same food stuff. Though these shrubs, herbs, barks, leaves, grass and plants are low in nutrition and couldn't provide higher level of energies to humans, but for zebras, all these things are extremely nutritious and healthy because their digestive system is made to digest such materials that are rich in cellulose.
Another good thing about zebras is that they are capable of eating the rough and uneven grass. This way, they always leave the soft and smooth grass for other animals. The other tiny animals easily eat the soft grass left by the zebras and this makes a sense of respecting each other's need among animals as well. This helps in maintaining a good environment among herds of different kinds of animals and at the places where they are living.
Zebras start eating with their lips, as they hold grass stems in their lips and cut them down with the help of their front teeth. As they are lovers of green grass and leaves, they find it hard in winter to survive on such food materials. Zebras are mostly found in coastal regions. However, they can also be heavily found in places from where they can easily get access to water. They like to live in watery places and hovels to keep themselves cool during the entire summer.
Though zebras eat grasses and low nutritious diet but they have a noticeably large appetite, I must say. Their tummies don't get filled so easily and quickly. They take lots of time to get really full. As a matter of fact, in the entire big day, the sixty percent of the zebras' time is consumed in filling their bellies. They eat slowly and just love to graze for a longer time periods as compared to any other herbivore animal.
In the time of shortages and when the zebras can't get access to food, easily, they are capable of eating plant stems and coverings as well.
I must say, zebras are really peace loving animals that love to enjoy food in groups. They believe in sharing food items and this causes them to leave the soft part of the grass for other tiny animals. Showing flexibility, they eat stems as well to keep themselves healthy enough, so that they can survive.
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