Sharks Ah! What a scary and mysterious thought comes in mind when anyone talks about shark fish. There are many people who don't get a chance to see the sharks live in front of them and make their own illusions about them from what they see in the cartoons or other programs. Whatever the case is, sharks do have a scary impact on people's minds. However, the other side of story is different, i.e. they have been killed by humans almost every year. Anyhow there are around 352 types of shark fish known today, among which only 20 species are known so far that attack humans.
Shark Types
Talking about shark types, there are different kinds of them found in oceans, like tiger shark, cookie cutter shark, goblin shark, white shark, hammerhead shark, bull shark, black nose shark, blind shark, blue shark, coral cat shark, dusky shark, frilled shark, gummy shark, horn shark, leopard shark, rusty carpet shark, silky shark, spinner shark, whale shark, white tip reef shark, white spotted bamboo shark, zebra shark and many others. As you can see in shark images, all of these animals do differ in their sizes and shapes but have some characteristics in common, like all of them possess large livers.
Interesting Shark Facts
- You might have heard about the chameleon, but did you ever hear about the shark that can camouflage itself. Yeah it's one of the interesting shark fish facts that the cookie cutter shark can easily camouflage itself with the help of its glowing underside skin.
- Do you know that a development period of any kind of shark varies from five months to two years? If you are a woman, it is good that you are not from a shark family.
- Moreover, the goblin sharks are truly difficult to be found by humans as they live under extremely deep-water ranges of mountains.
- The white sharks are capable of moving their eyes to the back of their heads while attacking their targets to protect their eyes from the wreckage of the attack.
- The hammer-head sharks are gifted with electrical sensors and can hunt with superior powers; thus are known as superior hunters so far.
- One of the shark facts suggests that there is a large amount of oil in shark's liver and that is what helps them maintain their balance under water.
- There are some sharks that are quite active even before their birth and they come in this world while chewing.
- They can sense the presence of their prey with the help of the heart beats due to the electrical sensors they possess on their noses.
- Most of the sharks are found in saltwater. Those that reside in freshwater take a lot of water in and urinate the extra fluid into their surrounding watery environment.
- One of the very famous shark attacks was witnessed on the Lord Mayor of London in 1749. In this attack, he also lost one of his legs.
- The frilled sharks possess almost 300 spiny teeth and are thus known as the Loch Ness monsters of the marine life.
- The bigger sharks love to attack the smaller ones and the smaller ones go for other easily reachable preys. Moreover, they like to have other fishes, crustaceans, mollusks, krill, marine mammals and plankton in their diet.
- The sharks are more active in the evening and night as compared to the day time. They mostly catch their prey at nights.
- To get food for them, sharks are capable of swimming a long distance. No matter if they have to swim the entire ocean, they would go for it.
- The hunting style of the sharks would astonish their prey most of the time, especially, the sea lions and seals are completely surprised when the white sharks attack them from below.
- The large sharks love to attack the whale in the ocean.
Shark Pictures
Shark Pictures
Just log on to the vast universe of internet and you would find thousands and thousands of shark pictures there. You can download any or all of them as per your needs. Shark pictures give clear idea regarding sharks types, shapes, sizes and their behaviors.
Biggest Shark In The World
Shark is the largest sea mammal in the world. There are a lots of shark species which are present in different oceans of the world. Among these shark species Whale Shark is the biggest shark in the world. Here is the list of names of largest sharks in... Read More ->
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