With the lifespan of only five years, there are about twenty species of fish that belong to the genus Rhodeus and are collectively known as bitterlings. The favorite habitation areas include ponds, river backwaters, marshes, lakes, and muddy & sandy pools where they swim in still or slow flowing waters. These wildfish are usually very small and reach the maximum length of up to 11cm. One of the amazing wild fish facts is that, as a part of their startling reproduction strategy, the parents transfer the responsibility of nourishing the young ones to different freshwater mussel species.

Crucian Carp
Adopting ponds, lakes and slow-moving rivers as its favorite habitat, this European species of fish has distribution across very vast areas that, on one hand, stretch from England to Russia and, one the other hand, extend from Arctic Circle to France. This medium sized member of the common carp family Cyprinidae is scientifically named as Carassius carassius. This wild fish reaches the maximum body length of up to 15 cm while rarely attaining the body mass of 1.5 kg.

Common Dace
With the maximum lifespan of nearly 16 years, this small fish may reach the length of up to 16 inches with the average body weight of just 1 kilogram. Included in the wild fish list, this fresh and brackish-water creature inhabits the freshwater streams and rivers of Asia and Europe, particularly north of Alps. In zoological nomenclature, the Eurasian dace (another common name) is named as Leuciscus leuciscus.

Barbel Steed
Also called Amur barbel, it is universally known as Hemibarbus labeo which is its biological name. As one of its common names suggests, Amur basin constitutes its favorite habitat along with some other areas in east and Southeast Asia, also including southeast Siberia. It belongs to a group of small freshwater carp like fish that are classified in the genus Barbus, and vary in length from 25 to 100 cm with the body mass ranging between 200g and 10kg.

These beautiful fish are kept in water gardens or outdoor koi ponds for the purpose of decoration. All of these colorful fish are actually the ornamental varieties of the domesticated common carp that is scientifically known as Cyprinus carpio. The major colors that are found in nearly two dozen famous varieties include cream, black, white, blue, yellow and red.

Common Goldfish
As the very name suggests, they are beautifully colored like gold or orange, and are also known as hibuna. However, some of their varieties also come in some other brilliant colors, such as red, black, white, yellow and lemon. It is important to note that they show very close and startling resemblance with their ancestor species except the body color. Because of their fascinating color patterns, the common goldfish are usually kept in ponds, water gardens or aquariums at home for the purpose of decoration.

It is not the name of a single fish type, but a huge collection of fish species (nearly 1270) that are grouped into different families. These egg-laying or oviparous species are usually very small in size, i.e. ranging between 2.5 to 5 cm, but the largest of them may grow up to the body length of 15 cm. They have a very wide range of natural habitat including the brackish waters of Americas, Europe, Middle East, Asia and several Indian Ocean islands.

Also known as crayfish or crawdads, they are not actually fish in the true sense of the term, but are close relatives of lobsters and are classified as freshwater crustaceans. Breathing through the feather-like gills, they cannot survive in the water bodies that usually freeze to the bottom. Feeding on living and dead animals and plants, the crawdads prefer to live in freshwater brooks and streams as they have no tolerance against polluted waters.

Freshwater Goby
Gobies are about 2,000 different species of fish and form one of the largest families, Gobiidae that contains 200 genera. Many members of this huge collection of fish not only serve as a food source for humans, but they are also preyed by some large and commercially important fish, such as haddock, flatfish, cod and sea bass. Some of their members merely attain the size of just 1cm, so they are among the smallest vertebrates on the planet earth. Some of the famous and commercially important types of gobies include monkey goby, grass goby, toad goby and round goby that are usually fished and sold in Ukraine.

The slender whisker-like tactile organs on their mouth, called barbels, show close resemblance with the whiskers of cat, hence these ray-finned fish are named as catfish. Inhabiting the water bodies of Southeast Asia and Eurasia, they show great diversity in size and body mass. The shortest of these fish measures just 1cm in length while the largest and heaviest one reaches over 2.5 meter in length while weighing as heavy as 300 kg.

This order of marine fish contains nearly 800 species that are grouped in 111 genera and 20 families. Ranging from merely 5 cm to 15 feet in length, many of the eels are considered as predators.

Giant Snakehead
The largest species of the family Channidae, this inhabitant of Southeast Asia reaches the length of 1 meter with the body weight of 20 kilogram.

Naturally inhabiting the waters of the US, they have also been introduced to Australia, South America, Asia and Europe, and are alternatively known as copper nose, brim or bream.

Yellow Perch
Named after its yellowish body color, it naturally inhabits the most of the North American continent and reaches up to 25 centimeter in body length.

Black Bass
Found in North America, these freshwater fish form a genus in the sunfish family and some of their members, such as largemouth, grow up to the length of 1 meter.

Pond Smelt
Scientifically known as Hypomesus olidus, it belongs to the family of smelts and inhabits the freshwaters of Arctic Ocean.

Inhabiting the rivers, lakes and coastal waters of Korea, Japan and some other nearby countries, it is a relative of smelts and has been named 'sweetfish' because of the sweetness of its flesh.

Cherry Salmon
Inhabiting the Western Pacific Ocean, this species of salmons is also known as masu salmon that grows up to the body length of 50 cm while measuring 2.5 kg in weight.

Rainbow Trout
Native to the Asian and North American tributaries of the Pacific Ocean, the largest of these reach up to the length of 120 cm with the maximum body weight of 24 kg.

Inhabiting the Northwestern Pacific Ocean, these are alternatively known as Ito or Japanese Huchen and reach over 30 cm, weighing as heavy as 10 kg.
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