Sparrow or home sparrow, a black grey chubby looking bird is widely distributed all around the world. This Britain's commonest bird is widely adored for its innocence and neatness. Owing to their small size and feeble bodies, these birds fall prey to numerous predators like cats, dogs, snakes and foxes. This reason also accounts for their crushing numbers that have declined rapidly over the last 25 years. Statistics reveal that London has lost three quarters of its sparrows between 1994-2000.
How Do They Look?
Sparrows are extremely vocal birds that chirp all the time. Both sexes of sparrow bird are apparently alike with black and brown color. These birds vary in size depending upon the region they inhabit as it can be seen in the sparrow pictures. On average, they are around 14-16 cm long and weigh as light as 27-39 grams. Being lightweight, they can easily lift themselves around, at an average speed of 38.5 km per hour.
Where Do They Reside?
Sparrows are extremely social birds that mainly nest in colonies. Very rarely, you will find them in dense forests or remote environments. They fly and feed in small flocks. Sparrows prefer to reside close to permanent human dwellings where they can find bird feeders. Inhabiting an ideal sparrow habitat, they rest in nests that are normally located under roofs, bridges and in tree hollows. When it comes to safety, these species can turn quite aggressive to avoid the intruders from attacking their nests. They are not water birds, but it is one the sparrow bird facts that they can swim to escape the predators.
What Do Sparrows Consume?
Concerning sparrow diet, these creatures are primarily carnivores in nature. Man made environments have always been a source of food for the birds. They exercise healthy eating habits and their diet constitutes of seeds, apples, berries, moths and other small sized insects. In the breeding season, these birds usually carry some feeding material (mainly insects) and feed their young ones with it. Sparrows are usually easy on food and consume almost anything that they can find.
How Do They Reproduce?
Sparrows require moderate conditions for proper breeding. The eggs are laid in nest and the incubation period last for a couple of days (12-15 days). The newly born is kept under extensive protection to avoid any external threat. The fledglings take 15 days to fly. They live for 4-5 years.
Are These Species Threatened?
Birds have often been associated with peace symbols. They scatter various colors in the sky, appearing like a flying rainbow! These effortlessly flying birds, making their way across the air, have always presented a splendid sight to see. Unfortunately, various species of birds have been in the "endangered bird list" and the world remains callous about their declining numbers. I wish and I pray that this grave issue is addressed immediately to preserve the beauty of nature!
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