Ostrich is the largest flightless bird found in the world. It is the tallest and heaviest bird among all the species of birds. On average, an Ostrich stands up to 9 feet and weighs as much as 300 pounds. The scientific name of Ostrich bird is "Struthio Camelus". It can live up to 40 years whereas Africa is home to a large number of Ostriches.
Fastest Bird On Earth
Ostrich flightless bird possesses wings but it cannot fly. They are fleet and strong runners and when it comes to speed, they are lightening fast. They can sprint up to as long as 43 miles an hour. Their purposefully designed legs enable them to cover 10 to 16 feet in a single stride. This bird also utilizes its strong legs for kicking the predator. An amazing piece of ostrich information is that a kick with sheer power is enough kill a lion or a human.
Wings Have A Purpose To Fulfill
The wings of an Ostrich do not serve for flying purpose. They are immaculately designed to ensure their balance, instead. The wings help a lot with balance when the ostrich is in full sprint and needs to change its directions. Moreover, the wings are also used for mating purpose. The dominant bird will raise its wings while a subservient one will allow its wing to wag, giving a clear indication to the male member.
Ostrich Lays The Largest Egg
Since the Ostrich is the largest bird, its eggs are also the biggest. It weighs around 3 pounds. The eggs usually take 38-42 days to hatch. The babies hatch feathered and are ready to accompany their parent right after birth. The parents usually protect them from adverse weather conditions by making them hide under their skin.
Contrary to usually accepted belief, Ostriches never dig their heads in the sand. Whenever a danger confronts them, they lie down and try to press their heads in the sand in an attempt to look less visible. As you can see in ostrich pictures, their skin color matches with that of sand; serving as a camouflage. They lie still on the ground, pretending to be dead. So apparently, it seems that they have buried their heads deep into the sand while the things are quite different when it comes to reality!
Ostriches Are Typically Vegetarian
Being predominantly vegetarian, the ostrich diet consists of roots, leaves and flowers. They can even eat lizards, insects and other small creatures if the need arises.
Ostriches Usually Reside In Herds
Ostrich facts reveal that they usually subsist in herds that typically contain 10-12 birds. This enables them to form a community that can easily survive any threat from the predators. Each herd has a single big nest where all the community members lay eggs. This allows the entire community to prevent the eggs against any external attack.
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