Hen or chicken whatever we say this creature is liked by every human. People of all ages, kinds and religions simply love to have chicken-made dishes. These are from the species of red jungle fowl. These creatures are heavily found around the world. Their population is growing in large number across the globe. There are many types and colors of hens producing variety of chicks. The population of hens is in billions across the globe. People are crazy about hens when it comes to having them as pets or for food. Hens are liked for charm, innocence and colorful feather-patterns, and those who can afford just love to have them as their pets.
Facts about Hens
There are many interesting facts about hens, some of which are presented as under:
- The chickens or hens are very soft hearted especially the mother hens as they are very sensitive towards their chicks.
- They react really weird if somebody bothers their baby chicks.
- They also have a very good memory.
- Their brain is so powerful that it can make a century in remembering individuals, which means hens can remember almost hundred humans and recognize them very easily.
- Hens feel themselves so secure when their male chicken is around.
- They prefer to feed in the presence of a cock knowing that their male chicken (cock) would guard them against dangers.
- Hens are capable of producing thirty types of different sounds that have distinct meaning as well, such as: some are alarm sounds; some sounds are produced to call baby hens, and so on.
- They warn their fellow beings with special kinds of sounds that let them know about the presence of danger around them and thus they react accordingly.
- Hens are intelligent, for example, when you take back anything from them and hide that, they still believe that object's existence and know the concept of hidden things.
- Hens are famous as very good mothers, and people use hens as a simile for affectionate mothers.
- It is a kind of praise in many areas that when people want to admire a good mother they say, "You are brought up by a hen".
- Hens don't like salty food too much and try to avoid salt as much as they can.
- They cannot sense sweet things like sugar, and so on.
- Coming to the reproduction part, a hen can lay almost 300 eggs per year.
- An egg can contain nine yolks at maximum. Isn't it strange?
- A mother hen, after laying the egg, turns it almost fifty times a day in order to prevent egg yolk sticking to the shell walls.
- Laying eggs more or less also depends on the feed hen take.
- Till now the heaviest egg from a hen weighed almost a pound and had two yolks in it.
- The color of the egg depends on the type of hen.
- A hen having white earlobes produced white eggs while the other having red earlobes produces brown eggs.
- Another amazing fact regarding laying eggs is that the older the hen the larger the egg it lays.
- So, the size of an egg also depends on the age of the hen.
- A mother hen loves to talk to its babies in their tummies just like human mothers.
- When a hen is depressed or feeling worried, its feathers start falling.
- Unlike their senses of taste, hen's vision is perfectly fine.
- They can differentiate between all the colors and no kind of color blindness has ever been found in them.
- All the hens have a REM sleep that means rapid eye movement sleep and they see dreams just like humans do.
- Also hens have a natural pain bearer that allows them to bear pain and stress to a certain limit.
- Hens are omnivorous and they just love to have grains, seeds, insects, and so on.
- Amazing thing is that it was very first imported not for feeding purposes but for cock fight and, afterwards, heavily gained popularity in the field of food.
- Now no restaurant, no kitchen, no takeaway centers can survive without hens' recipes.
Hen pictures
There are thousands of hen pictures available on the internet for all the hen lovers. You can download as many of these as desired and can place them on your PC screen for a closer look of hens at any time you want. You can also send these wallpapers to your friends to share your love of hens and chickens.
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